Results of T-Bonds Auctions - 2018

Official Name

Issue and
Tranche Number

ISIN Number

Settlement Date

Maturity Date

Total Nominal Value Sold (CZK)

Original Maturity (years)

Average Yield (%) /
Discount margin (bps)

Administrator / Agent

Results of T-Bonds Auctions - year 2018
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2027, 0.25%
100th Issue, 8th Tranche CZ0001005037 05.01.2018 10.02.2027 3 660 800 000  10.0 1.614 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2025, 2.40%
89th Issue, 15th Tranche CZ0001004253 05.01.2018  17.09.2025 2 050 000 000 1)  11.5 1.385 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2006-2036, 4.20%
49th Issue, 12th Tranche CZ0001001796  05.01.2018  04.12.2036 20 000 000 2)  30.0 2.349 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2013-2028, 2.50%
 78th Issue, 23rd Tranche CZ0001003859 19.01.2018 25.08.2028  4 000 000 000   15.5 1.909 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2023, 0.45%
97th Issue, 16th Tranche CZ0001004600 19.01.2018  25.10.2023  1 490 000 000   8.1  1.259 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2033, 2.00%
103rd Issue, 4th Tranche  CZ0001005243 19.01.2018  13.10.2033  1 700 000 000  16.0  2.376 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2007-2022, 4.70%
52nd Issue, 13th Tranche CZ0001001945 09.02.2018 12.09.2022 2 276 450 000 3) 15.2 1.043 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2027, 0.25%
100th Issue, 9th Tranche CZ0001005037 09.02.2018 10.02.2027 4 543 730 000 4) 10.0 1.769 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2030, 0.95%
94th Issue, 14th Tranche CZ0001004477 09.02.2018 15.05.2030 5 827 390 000 15.0 2.159 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2021, 0.75%
104th Issue, 1st Tranche CZ0001005367 23.02.2018 23.02.2021 1 978 200 000 5) 3.0 0.904 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2026, 1.00%
95th Issue, 13th Tranche CZ0001004469 23.02.2018 26.06.2026 4 366 310 000 11.0 1.687 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 1st Tranche CZ0001005375 23.02.2018 23.07.2029 4 276 540 000 6) 11.4 2.033 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2023, 0.45%
97th Issue, 17th Tranche CZ0001004600 09.03.2018 25.10.2023 4 035 000 000 8.1 1.256 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2013-2028, 2.50%
78th Issue, 24th Tranche CZ0001003859 09.03.2018 25.08.2028 4 535 000 000 15.5 1.920 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2033, 2.00%
103rd Issue, 5th Tranche CZ0001005243 09.03.2018 13.10.2033 4 130 000 000 16.0 2.426 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2021, 0.75%
104th Issue, 2nd Tranche CZ0001005367 23.03.2018 23.02.2021 5 012 760 000 3.0 0.909 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2025, 2.40%
89th Issue, 16th Tranche CZ0001004253 23.03.2018 17.09.2025 3 357 670 000 11.5 1.639 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 2nd Tranche CZ0001005375 23.03.2018 23.07.2029 6 002 470 000 11.4 2.113 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2007-2022, 4.70%
52nd Issue, 14th Tranche CZ0001001945 13.04.2018 12.09.2022 4 433 830 000 15.2 0.928 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2027, 0.25%
100th Issue, 10th Tranche CZ0001005037 13.04.2018 10.02.2027 6 431 980 000 10.0 1.577 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2030, 0.95%
94th Issue, 15th Tranche CZ0001004477 13.04.2018 15.05.2030 6 981 450 000 15.0 1.972 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2021, 0.75%
104th Issue, 3rd Tranche CZ0001005367 27.04.2018 23.02.2021 5 292 990 000 3.0 0.865 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 3rd Tranche CZ0001005375 27.04.2018 23.07.2029 8 184 850 000 11.4 1.898 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2033, 2.00%
103rd Issue, 6th Tranche CZ0001005243 27.04.2018 13.10.2033 4 463 880 000 16.0 2.224 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2023, 0.45%
97th Issue, 18th Tranche CZ0001004600 11.05.2018 25.10.2023 1 835 000 000 8.1 1.222 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2027, 0.25%
100th Issue, 11th Tranche CZ0001005037 11.05.2018 10.02.2027 5 030 000 000 10.0 1.677 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2006-2036, 4.20%
49th Issue, 13th Tranche CZ0001001796 11.05.2018 04.12.2036 1 073 000 000 7) 30.0 2.452 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2007-2022, 4.70%
52nd Issue, 15th Tranche CZ0001001945 25.05.2018 12.09.2022 1 424 560 000 15.2 1.205 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2026, 1.00%
95th Issue, 14th Tranche CZ0001004469 25.05.2018 26.06.2026 5 776 000 000 11.0 1.856 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2030, 0.95%
94th Issue, 16th Tranche CZ0001004477 25.05.2018 15.05.2030 6 580 530 000 15.0 2.247 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2021, 0.75%
104th Issue, 4th Tranche CZ0001005367 08.06.2018 23.02.2021 5 293 000 000 3.0 1.107 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2025, 2.40%
89th Issue, 17th Tranche CZ0001004253 08.06.2018 17.09.2025 5 000 000 000 11.5 1.749 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 4th Tranche CZ0001005375 08.06.2018 23.07.2029 8 217 000 000 11.4 2.202 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2025, 2.40%
89th Issue, 18th Tranche CZ0001004253 15.06.2018 17.09.2025 4 411 000 000 11.5 1.872 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2027, VAR%
90th Issue, 10th Tranche CZ0001004105 15.06.2018 19.11.2027 4 859 000 000 13.5 -19.167*) Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 5th Tranche CZ0001005375 15.06.2018 23.07.2029 5 502 000 000 11.4 2.314 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2021, 0.75%
104th Issue, 5th Tranche CZ0001005367 22.06.2018 23.02.2021 5 041 160 000 3.0 1.246 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2013-2028, 2.50%
78th Issue, 25th Tranche CZ0001003859 22.06.2018 25.08.2028 8 243 260 000 8) 15.5 2.177 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 6th Tranche CZ0001005375 22.06.2018 23.07.2029 5 884 230 000 11.4 2.347 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2015-2026, 1.00%
95th Issue, 15th Tranche CZ0001004469 13.07.2018 26.06.2026 9 026 830 000 11.0 2.048 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2027, VAR%
90th Issue, 11th Tranche CZ0001004105 13.07.2018 19.11.2027 3 156 740 000 13.5 -11.861*) Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 7th Tranche CZ0001005375 27.07.2018 23.07.2029 6 478 760 000 11.4 2.225 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2033, 2.00%
103rd Issue, 7th Tranche CZ0001005243 27.07.2018 13.10.2033 3 337 380 000 16.0 2.438 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2011-2023, VAR%
63rd Issue, 21st Tranche CZ0001003123 10.08.2018 18.04.2023 5 989 510 000 9) 12.0 -30.169*) Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2025, 2.40%
89th Issue, 19th Trache CZ0001004253 10.08.2018 17.09.2025 7 211 840 000 10) 11.5 1.982 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2027, VAR%
90th Issue, 12th Tranche CZ0001004105 24.08.2018 19.11.2027 3 334 240 000 11) 13.5 -17.747*) Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 8th Tranche CZ0001005375 24.08.2018 23.07.2029 10 265 030 000 11.4 2.342 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2007-2022, 4.70%
52nd Issue, 16th Tranche CZ0001001945 07.09.2018 12.09.2022 1 792 320 000 15.2 1.576 Czech National Bank
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2006-2036, 4.20%
49th Issue, 14th Tranche CZ0001001796 07.09.2018 04.12.2036 2 323 000 000 30.0 2.656 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2021, 0.75%
104th Issue, 6th Tranche CZ0001005367 21.09.2018 23.02.2021 3 000 000 000 3.0 1.704 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2025, 2.40%
89th Issue, 20th Tranche CZ0001004253 21.09.2018 17.09.2025 11 395 940 000


2.056 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2027, 0.25%
100th Issue, 12th Tranche CZ0001005037 12.10.2018 10.02.2027 2 229 070 000 12) 10.0 2.061 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2033, 2.00%
103rd Issue, 8th Tranche CZ0001005243 12.10.2018 13.10.2033 2 046 940 000 13) 16.0 2.432 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2018-2029, 2.75%
105th Issue, 9th Tranche CZ0001005375 23.11.2018 23.07.2029 3 570 640 000 11.4 2.153 Czech National Bank
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017-2033, 2.00%
103rd Issue, 9th Tranche CZ0001005243 23.11.2018 13.10.2033

2 075 180 000 14)

16.0 2.334 Czech National Bank

*) Average discount margin (bps).

1) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 1 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.

2) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 20 000 000.

3) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 850 000 000 into its own portfolio.

4) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 600 000 000 into its own portfolio.

5) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 1 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.

6) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 1 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.

7) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 563 000 000.

8) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 830 590 000 into its own portfolio.

9) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 3 892 130 000.

10) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 700 000 000 into its own portfolio.

11) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 500 000 000 into its own portfolio.

12) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 2 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.

13) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 1 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.

14) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 075 180 000.

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