Department 20 – National Debt and Financial Assets Management

It is responsible for ensuring the activities of the State and the implementation of operations on financial markets related to the management of the State debt and financial assets of the State within the competence of the Department and the management of the funds of the general accounts of the State Treasury and the related central liquidity management of the State. It shapes financial market policy in these areas. It carries out short- and long-term funding of the State, ensures the daily solvency position of the State by conducting money market operations and investing the balances of the Treasury's general accounts in individual currencies. It develops the State's issuance and debt strategy in relation to the approved medium-term budget and fiscal policy, with a view to ensuring compliance with fiscal responsibility. It develops a strategy for managing the debt and financial asset portfolios with a view to minimising the net interest expenditure of the State budget while maintaining a prudent approach and within the limits set by approved and announced strategic thresholds or target ranges for each type of financial risk. It manages the budget chapters State Debt and Operations of State Financial Assets. In providing these activities, it issues and sells government bonds, provides for the payment of all interest expense and other related debt service costs, and repays the face value of bonds and the principal of borrowings and loans. It conducts repurchases and exchanges of government bonds before their maturity date. It plans, prepares and negotiates loans and credits, keeps their records, ensures their evaluation and comprehensive administration. It analyses financial market data, performs quantitative scenario analyses, tests debt portfolios, simulates expected interest costs of the state and analyses time series as a basis for strategic decision-making in the area of state debt and financial asset management. It manages state loans and repayable financial assistance provided from state financial assets and receivables from state guarantees implemented from state financial assets. It supplies statistical information on debt service to international organisations, the CNB and the CSO. It participates in negotiations on the Czech Republic's rating and is responsible for ensuring contractual and budgetary relations with rating agencies. It carries out conceptual activities and all the operational agenda related to the Ministry's tasks towards selected international financial institutions of which it is a member, i.e., the EIB and the CEB, and with which it has special agreements. In terms of its competence, it participates in the drafting of legislation related to the State's issuance activities and other operations on the financial market, the management of the State debt and financial assets and the liquidity of the Treasury. It ensures the preparation of documents for the creation of accounting records on revenues, expenditures, assets and liabilities subject to the accounting centres State Debt and Operations of State Financial Assets. It collaborates with other organizational units of the Ministry on the conception and development strategy of the Wall Street Suite (IS WSS) and related interfaces. It is the functional administrator of the WSS IS and the downstream information and trading systems Reuters, MTS Czech Republic and Bloomberg. It provides record keeping and custody of securities. It is responsible for the overall agenda of the provision of off-budget loans and credits to domestic legal entities and participates in the establishment of financial conditions for the provision of international loans under bilateral and multilateral aid. It provides the services of a participant of domestic and international securities depositories, in which it represents the Czech Republic, by virtue of the Ministry's membership in these depositories and related settlement systems in the execution of the State's financial operations and in the keeping of independent records of government bonds. It participates in the development of the methodology of the state payment process and participates in analyses of the requirements for the functional setup of the treasury system in relation to the management of state liquidity and the implementation of revenues and expenditures of the chapters State Debt and Operations of State Financial Assets. It ensures coordination and communication in terms of the State's liquidity with all entities that are also the owners of accounts whose balances are designated by law as Treasury funds, and it continuously monitors the development of balances and movements of funds in these accounts on the basis of rules it draws up in cooperation with the CNB. It manages the funds of organisations affected by Act No 218/2000 Coll., on Budgetary Rules and Amendments to Certain Related Acts (Budgetary Rules) in accounts at the CNB and outside the Treasury accounts with banks and other payment service providers on the basis of prior approval from the Ministry of Finance and carries out financial analyses of these funds. It performs the function of Chief Accountant pursuant to Act No 320/2001 Coll. in the scope of the implementation of operations on financial markets related to the management of the State debt and financial assets of the State within the competence of the Department and the management of funds of the Treasury's general accounts in connection with the management of the Treasury's liquidity.


  • Unit 2001 – Financing of the State and Treasury Liquidity Management
  • Unit 2002 – Portfolio Management Strategies and Debt Statistics
  • Unit 2003 – Administration and Settlement of Financial Operations
  • Unit 2004 – Financial Analyses and Administration of Funds in the State Treasury
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