Results of T-Bonds Auctions - 2023

Official Name Issue and
Tranche Number
ISIN Number Settlement Date Maturity Date Total Nominal Value Sold (CZK) Original Maturity (years) Average Yield (%) /
Discount margin (bps)
Administrator / Agent
Results of T-Bonds Auctions - year 2023
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2014-2025, 2.40%
89th Issue, 25th Tranche CZ0001004253 13.01.2023 17.09.2025 3 719 040 000 1) 11.5 5.052 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2028, 5.50%
149th Issue, 8th Tranche CZ0001006696 13.01.2023 12.12.2028 14 441 950 000 6.3 4.466 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2037, 1.95%
142nd Issue, 6th Tranche CZ0001006316 13.01.2023 30.07.2037 8 562 040 000 15.9 4.368 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017–2027, 0.25%
100th Issue, 29th Tranche CZ0001005037 27.01.2023 10.02.2027 3 043 960 000 2) 10.0 4.723 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 11th Tranche CZ0001006688 27.01.2023 30.09.2030 9 801 000 000 3) 8.1 4.404 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2037, 1.95%
142nd Issue, 7th Tranche CZ0001006316 27.01.2023 30.07.2037 7 293 000 000 4) 15.9 4.343 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 12th Tranche CZ0001006688 10.02.2023 30.09.2030 9 695 050 000 5) 8.1 4.513 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2031, VAR%
139th Issue, 19th Tranche CZ0001006241 10.02.2023 31.10.2031 7 535 660 000 6) 10.5 0.665 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2020–2040, 1.50%
125th Issue, 23rd Tranche CZ0001005920 10.02.2023 24.04.2040 2 149 930 000 7) 20.0 4.620 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2028, 5.50%
149th Issue, 9th Tranche CZ0001006696 24.02.2023 12.12.2028 9 054 000 000 6.3 4.977 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2032, 1.75%
138th Issue, 20th Tranche CZ0001006233 24.02.2023 23.06.2032 4 100 000 000 8) 11.2 4.809 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2035, 3.50%
145th Issue, 11th Tranche CZ0001006431 24.02.2023 30.05.2035 2 398 000 000 9) 13.3 4.803 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 13th Tranche CZ0001006688 10.03.2023 30.09.2030 8 293 070 000 10) 8.1 4.986 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2037, 1.95%
142nd Issue, 8th Tranche CZ0001006316 10.03.2023 30.07.2037 3 072 740 000 11) 15.9 4.841 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2028, 5.50%
149th Issue, 10th Tranche CZ0001006696 24.03.2023 12.12.2028 7 156 230 000 12) 6.3 4.583 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2035, 3.50%
145th Issue, 12th Tranche CZ0001006431 24.03.2023 30.05.2035 2 682 100 000 13) 13.3 4.537 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2020–2040, 1.50%
125th Issue, 24th Tranche CZ0001005920 24.03.2023 24.04.2040 704 780 000 14) 20.0 4.598 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 14th Tranche CZ0001006688 14.04.2023 30.09.2030 6 000 000 000 15) 8.1 4.684 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 1st Tranche CZ0001006894 14.04.2023 14.04.2034 6 000 000 000 16) 11.0 4.592 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2028, 5.50%
149th Issue, 11th Tranche CZ0001006696 28.04.2023 12.12.2028 9 544 590 000 17) 6.3 4.728 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2031, VAR%
139th Issue, 20th Tranche CZ0001006241 28.04.2023 31.10.2031 4 628 820 000 18) 10.5 -11.780 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 2nd Tranche CZ0001006894 28.04.2023 14.04.2034 7 661 370 000 19) 11.0 4.648 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 15th Tranche CZ0001006688 12.05.2023 30.09.2030 7 160 510 000 20) 8.1 4.639 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2031, VAR%
139th Issue, 21st Tranche CZ0001006241 12.05.2023 31.10.2031 6 736 240 000 21) 10.5 -15.371 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2035, 3.50%
145th Issue, 13th Tranche CZ0001006431 12.05.2023 30.05.2035 2 713 110 000 22) 13.3 4.519 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2028, 5.50%
149th Issue, 12th Tranche CZ0001006696 26.05.2023 12.12.2028 4 584 850 000 23) 6.3 4.760 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 16th Tranche CZ0001006688 26.05.2023 30.09.2030 4 235 180 000 24) 8.1 4.738 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 3rd Tranche CZ0001006894 26.05.2023 14.04.2034 8 898 660 000 25) 11.0 4.681 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 17th Tranche CZ0001006688 09.06.2023 30.09.2030 6 478 000 000 26) 8.1 4.465 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2035, 3.50%
145th Issue, 14th Tranche CZ0001006431 09.06.2023 30.05.2035 2 000 000 000 27) 13.3 4.386 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2031, 6.20%
152nd Issue, 1st Tranche CZ0001006969 16.06.2023 16.06.2031 10 521 100 000 28) 8.0 4.377 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 4th Tranche CZ0001006894 16.06.2023 14.04.2034 7 135 000 000 29) 11.0 4.340 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2031, 6.20%
152nd Issue, 2nd Tranche CZ0001006969 30.06.2023 16.06.2031 10 051 370 000 30) 8.0 4.301 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2031, VAR%
139th Issue, 22nd Tranche CZ0001006241 30.06.2023 31.10.2031 4 110 370 000 31) 10.5 -21.354 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2021–2037, 1.95%
142nd Issue, 9th Tranche CZ0001006316 30.06.2023 30.07.2037 2 805 000 000 32) 15.9 4.224 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2031, 6.20%
152nd Issue, 3rd Tranche CZ0001006969 14.07.2023 16.06.2031 9 092 740 000 33) 8.0 4.364 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 5th Tranche CZ0001006894 14.07.2023 14.04.2034 4 766 330 000 34) 11.0 4.338 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2029, 5.75%
153rd Issue, 1st Tranche CZ0001007025 28.07.2023 29.03.2029 9 556 250 000 35) 5.7 4.175 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2031, 6.20%
152nd Issue, 4th Tranche CZ0001006969 28.07.2023 16.06.2031 5 274 300 000 36) 8.0 4.127 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 6th Tranche CZ0001006894 28.07.2023 14.04.2034 3 710 370 000 37) 11.0 4.110 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 1st Tranche CZ0001007033 11.08.2023 11.11.2032 6 175 000 000 38) 9.3 4.159 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2035, 3.50%
145th Issue, 15th Tranche CZ0001006431 11.08.2023 30.05.2035 2 036 400 000 39) 13.3 4.157 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2043, VAR%
155th Issue, 1st Tranche CZ0001007041 18.08.2023 18.08.2043 10 410 720 000 40) 20.0 2.736 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2029, 5.75%
153rd Issue, 2nd Tranche CZ0001007025 25.08.2023 29.03.2029 8 586 310 000 41) 5.7 4.551 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 2nd Tranche CZ0001007033 25.08.2023 11.11.2032 6 488 560 000 42) 9.3 4.482 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 7th Tranche CZ0001006894 25.08.2023 14.04.2034 2 714 490 000 43) 11.0 4.465 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2029, 5.75%
153rd Issue, 3rd Tranche CZ0001007025 08.09.2023 29.03.2029 11 706 880 000 44) 5.7 4.662 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 3rd Tranche CZ0001007033 08.09.2023 11.11.2032 5 192 670 000 45) 9.3 4.502 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2035, 3.50%
145th Issue, 16th Tranche CZ0001006431 08.09.2023 30.05.2035 2 117 060 000 46) 13.3 4.496 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2043, VAR%
155th Issue, 2nd Tranche CZ0001007041 15.09.2023 18.08.2043 9 190 000 000 47) 20.0 4.068 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2030, 5.00%
150th Issue, 18th Tranche CZ0001006688 22.09.2023 30.09.2030 8 483 000 000 48) 8.1 4.506 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 4th Tranche CZ0001007033 22.09.2023 11.11.2032 6 240 900 000 49) 9.3 4.500 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 8th Tranche CZ0001006894 22.09.2023 14.04.2034 3 195 000 000 50) 11.0 4.561 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2029, 5.75%
153rd Issue, 4th Tranche CZ0001007025 06.10.2023 29.03.2029 5 999 410 000 51) 5.7 4.960 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 9th Tranche CZ0001006894 06.10.2023 14.04.2034 2 399 060 000 52) 11.0 5.010 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2043, VAR%
155th Issue, 3rd Tranche CZ0001007041 13.10.2023 18.08.2043 5 305 000 000 53) 20.0 5.377 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2029, 5.75%
153rd Issue, 5th Tranche CZ0001007025 20.10.2023 29.03.2029 6 450 000 000 54) 5.7 4.570 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 5th Tranche CZ0001007033 20.10.2023 11.11.2032 4 080 000 000 9.3 4.663 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 10th Tranche CZ0001006894 20.10.2023 14.04.2034 3 088 000 000 55) 11.0 4.684 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2043, VAR%
155th Issue, 4th Tranche CZ0001007041 03.11.2023 18.08.2043 5 643 290 000 56) 20.0 6.213 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2022–2026, 6.00%
148th Issue, 10th Tranche CZ0001006506 10.11.2023 26.02.2026 5 104 160 000 57) 3.8 4.408 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 6th Tranche CZ0001007033 10.11.2023 11.11.2032 8 216 660 000 58) 9.3 4.465 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2029, 5.75%
153rd Issue, 6th Tranche CZ0001007025 24.11.2023 29.03.2029 4 165 900 000 59) 5.7 4.261 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 7th Tranche CZ0001007033 24.11.2023 11.11.2032 4 302 000 000 60) 9.3 4.261 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2043, VAR%
155th Issue, 5th Tranche CZ0001007041 01.12.2023 18.08.2043 2 170 210 000 61) 20.0 6.406 *) Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2017–2027, 0.25%
100th Issue, 30th Tranche CZ0001005037 08.12.2023 10.02.2027 8 396 820 000 62) 10.0 4.266 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2020–2040, 1.50%
125th Issue, 25th Tranche CZ0001005920 08.12.2023 24.04.2040 1 294 470 000 63) 20.0 4.198 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2032, 4.50%
154th Issue, 8th Tranche CZ0001007033 15.12.2023 11.11.2032 7 538 000 000 64) 9.3 3.990 Czech National
Government Bond of the Czech Republic,
2023–2034, 4.90%
151st Issue, 10th Tranche CZ0001006894 15.12.2023 14.04.2034 3 381 230 000 65) 11.0 4.001 Czech National
Czech Republic Treasury Bond,
2007–2057, 4.85%
53rd Issue, 14th Tranche CZ0001002059 15.12.2023 26.11.2057 1 168 960 000 66) 50.0 4.428 Czech National

*) Average discount margin (bps).
1) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 3 719 040 000.
2) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 3 043 960 000.
3) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 24 017 820 000 into its own portfolio.
4) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 15 144 960 000 into its own portfolio.
5) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 9 695 050 000.
6) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 3 327 760 000 into its own portfolio.
7) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 3 850 070 000 into its own portfolio.
8) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 4 100 000 000.
9) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 398 000 000.
10) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 8 293 070 000.
11) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 3 072 740 000.
12) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 24 194 340 000 into its own portfolio.
13) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 8 317 900 000 into its own portfolio.
14) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 704 780 000.
15) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 14 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
16) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 24 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
17) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 9 544 590 000.
18) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 15 371 180 000 into its own portfolio.
19) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 7 661 370 000.
20) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 7 160 510 000.
21) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 6 736 240 000.
22) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 713 110 000.
23) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 4 584 850 000.
24) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 24 764 820 000 into its own portfolio.
25) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 11 101 340 000 into its own portfolio.
26) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 478 000 000.
27) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 000 000 000.
28) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 20 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
29) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 7 135 000 000.
30) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 10 051 370 000.
31) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 4 110 370 000.
32) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 805 000 000.
33) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 9 092 740 000.
34) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 4 766 330 000.
35) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 20 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
36) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 4 204 600 000 into its own portfolio.
37) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 16 289 630 000 into its own portfolio.
38) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 20 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
39) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 6 963 600 000 into its own portfolio.
40) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 10 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
41) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 8 586 310 000.
42) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 6 488 560 000.
43) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 714 490 000.
44) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 8 736 870 000 into its own portfolio.
45) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 5 192 670 000.
46) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 117 060 000.
47) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 9 190 000 000.
48) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 8 483 000 000.
49) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 6 240 900 000.
50) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 3 195 000 000.
51) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 5 999 410 000.
52) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 399 060 000.
53) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 190 000 000 into its own portfolio.
54) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 13 550 000 000 into its own portfolio.
55) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 3 088 000 000.
56) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 9 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
57) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 895 840 000 into its own portfolio.
58) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 15 000 000 000 into its own portfolio.
59) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 4 165 900 000.
60) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 4 302 000 000.
61) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 2 170 210 000.
62) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 6 603 180 000 into its own portfolio.
63) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 2 705 530 000 into its own portfolio.
64) The total nominal value of own portfolio was reduced by CZK 7 538 000 000.
65) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 6 618 770 000 into its own portfolio.
66) The MoF acquired T-Bonds over the level of the auction in the amount of CZK 1 831 040 000 into its own portfolio.

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